Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Nameless · 1y

Is there an update to your financial/shipping mod situation? A previous ask brought up Mod Misery's potential involvement and while your team responded with clarifying she's stepped down, that was about 25 days ago. Has a new financial/shipping mod been found? Will the be updated to reflect that? I assume the socials will update as well regarding this situation, but I haven't found any type of announcement yet.

Hello! While it is true that Misery has stepped down from her position, we are yet to find an appropriate replacement for her. We are still in search of one, hence the lack of announcement on our social media and our Carrd. We will be sure to post an update as soon as we can find someone who is able to take over her responsibilities. This will be our priority as soon as application results are sent out in a few hours!

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