Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

sprouter · 6mo

I agree that fwa bg can be a bit mean, but I think it's understandable since he's in the enemy's country surrounded by people who hate him that he had to cage himself in his room, something about him being hurt and want to hurt people too, but he can't even say anything to the Itherians, they hate him enough so he lashed out at yj (I think)
ngl halfway reading I just want bg to leave, fck the treaty, let the war happens, maybe bg can shoot an arrow to the king's heart, and keep yj somewhere just so he won't hurt bc of the mating / bond thing, but well in the next paragraph it was said bg don't want the war to happen so 😔😔 hope things will get better
sometimes I don't understand why bg don't have the upperhand, like the peace of the treaty is basically in his hand, they should've respect him, treat him well, they should be grateful bg hadn't say anything about how wronged he was to his fam, I know they won't stand by, cos they love him
also I felt so angry when yj told bg to redeem himself when he did nothing wrong, I want to step on fwa yj ngl
but at least yj finally defend bg in front of those villagers who are so ungrateful btw, thank god for th and mngyu
(sorry for the rant lol I actually only 3/4 thru the new chapter since it's so long (ty btw) but I saw some asks and can't stop myself 😬😬)

!!! i agree with u anon but yes... bg has a heavy commitment to Saeren so he wouldnt wage a war just to save himself... its all very vague hand movements type of thing!!! yj does kind of walk on eggshells around him bc he does have a certain upper hand in the treaty, but he also cant send letters himself so now yjs distrust is.. expanding to mg and th. in my notes for this chapter yj is referred to a doormat... i think it is warranted

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