Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Sephi · 2y

you can bring five things to a deserted island you can never escape from. what are they?

  1. You.
  2. miltank so we can have unlimited fresh raw milk
  3. fridge
  4. my pokemon collection incl. the systems and link cables/other peripherals (we can power them through the aether because this is an old world deserted island and i am an old world monkey)
  5. my notetaking Bible kit incl. the Bible itself as well as 100+ japanese needlepoint gel pens (so we never run out of ink) and a Lot of extra paper for writing stuff down (including fanfiction because that's what God put me on this earth to do even though i am so freaking slow about it. maybe if i went to a deserted island i would write faster xD)

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