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Hmm since someone praised your moot on here then I will use this to praise you then. I quite like your acct cos you do have opinions that make sense, express your thoughts very well and generally seem like a level headed stan who can think properly. I think your @ is very appropriate for what you do on twt but uh used to be wary of you cos you had “hyuck” in there and most users with that in their @ always turn out to be ppl who are multi stans and dont even talk about hc that much but have him as pfp and in the bio so thats annoying but you proved me wrong so yay
i could fucking cry 😭 thank you 😭 and yeah the username i wanted was taken/got suspended so i chose the next best thing ig 😔 sometimes i feel like i live up to my username “too much” and don’t chill enough (difficult to chill when your fave gets fucked over every other day 🚶♀️) so people get intimidated by me when i’m actually way more chill when you talk to me privately 😭
thank you again it means a lot 😭
Everytime i click on this i see your pinned and it hurts me. You are not the problem hun. Most of the times you or any sf get jumped is cos d***z*ns want to bully us into never speaking up cos we are the most “logged out” of their fandom we literally have one leg in and one leg out so theres no team spirit in that and we are ready to bolt and abandon them. Then they can gaslight everyone else that we are the worst subfandom when rly i have seen a lot worse if not equal coming from the likes of them with dp of other members and yet nobody calls them out like “hey its xx fans again truly the worst subfandom”
thank you 🤍 you summed it up perfectly
idk how many times your ass has to get dragged before you realize you are the problem
incoming essay 🤥 some of you guys are just a bunch of cowards and braindead troglodyte sheep dedicated to misunderstanding everything people say, either hiding behind an edgy online persona in order to harass and threaten people like me instead of being normal or with the integrity of a wet sock, ready to disrespect your own just for a crumb of validation while doing the same exact thing (or worse) you’re accusing others of doing.
you people drag and bully anyone over breathing and i’m supposed to believe this means anything about my character instead of you simply wanting to release stress from your miserable life on twitter.
this time jumping me over a screenshot (mind you), taken out of context in order to once again fulfill your mean girl fantasies.
it’s the way you donkeys thought this was an attack on 6DREAM because you don’t even follow nor know me and think everything is an unit war but the whole time i was talking about 7DREAM and of course since i’m a solo sf, haechan is the one i need gone first.
sweat on my forehead every time a new dream content drops because i’m scared of what he or another member will say next, mistranslation or not, the drama in the fandom is getting too tiring.
if everyone behaved, wasn’t fighting every other day and if there weren’t double standards because of what the dreamies say, there would be no need for me to post this because i wouldn’t be “fearing for my life” every two business days. july was exhausting.
even in the tweets/screenshots explaining why i posted it, i didn’t mention any name and only made a general statement of the recent issues, didn’t talk about what was exactly said in the “mistranslation” (i now know for jeno it was one but when i posted it i obviously didn’t, i’m not sure about chenle) because i didn’t want to point any hateful finger because it wasn’t about what was said, it was about fandom drama.
because at this point i’m more annoyed at the incoming fights within the fandom than at whatever the dreamies say because they’re gonna keep being like this regardless, it’s just gonna manifest differently through each member.
people hate when others say stuff like this but it’s truly bigger than the group and i don’t see it ending anytime soon so you either move on by unstanning or move on by saying “it is what it is, let’s hope for the best”. i chose the latter.
haechan is promoting with dream right now so of course i only mentioned them.
if this stuff kept happening in 127 and he was promoting with them, i would have mentioned 127. it’s the way 127 was not in my mind whatsoever when i posted this screenshot.
i’ve talked about defending the dreamies when their privacy and safety was at risk,
i’ve talked about talking positively when i genuinely thought a dreamie did something good,
i’ve talked about (sort of) defending jeno when i was pissed/disgusted at what some antis said last year because i thought they went too far
(but i also didn’t want to bring that filth to my tl and trigger people because it was genuinely fucking disgusting, even my tweet calling them out was censoring a lot of things…) and it was less than a month AFTER the jeno/haechan drama from november mind you.
jeno may have pissed me off at the time but that doesn’t mean i’m a heartless bitch who thinks he deserves what those specific antis said about him so yes it did piss me off and i wanted to defend him.
but of course the tweets explaining and showing screenshots flopped and kinda got ratiod, so i deleted because tbh what is the fucking point ☠️
and there’s so much more stuff like this going on privately (and publicly!) that i could post screenshots of because i’m not the evil bitch you 🫵 want me to be.
basically got forced to become a solo sf because everyone in this fandom is insufferable and sm isn’t helping
(there’s a reason why haechan has so many solo stans, actually there’s more than just one).
i’m not a 7dreamzen, so i don’t actually have to like every member equally. i don’t even have to like any member except haechan.
but i can be fair.
i’m not the type of person who’s gonna say everything someone does sucks just because their behavior tends to irk me.
20+ men in nct, the odds of at least one of them irking me sometimes is high, haechan included.
but if i genuinely think a member did something good or looked good that one day i’m gonna say it and that’s not me being “two-faced”, that’s me being honest.
i literally once tweeted that i like dreamzens (and lord knows i cant stand them) and it was during exposed bellygate. when i saw how many of them defended/protected haechan, so YES i give people their due.
i even thought dreamzens were fun during that time the dreamies were dancing with random fans in LA (?) and everyone (me included) was upset. i thought their tweets were so funny.
hell, when you follow me it’s even obvious i have a certain fondness for two dreamies (who aren’t in 127).
hell (x2) if you personally knew me you would have known that i was on some “omg i love everyone, besties!💕🥰💛💖” shit with the dreamies earlier this year (i don’t remember what triggered this, maybe the tour but i’m not sure)
and that one of the dreamies i had a “certain fondness for” at the time (so earlier this year) was jeno, as in, he was one of my fave dreamies after haechan (my fave neos in nct tend to change/rotate often)
and before some solo sfs side eye me, i had 4+ specific reasons for that but since sheep like you, anon, only believe fairytales and half-truths taken out of context, they wouldn’t even believe it even if i showed proof.
but AGAIN, i’m a solo sf…i don’t actually have to like any specific member. if i suddenly decided tomorrow that i don’t like anyone except haechan what are you 🫵 gonna do about it 😹 you could block me if you don’t want to see my tweets.
imagine being so annoyed by a solo sf engaging in solo sf activities yet repeatedly camping on her account, interacting with her on retrospring, going through threads she made, blowing up her tweets and therefore making them and her even more visible instead of blocking and letting her fade into obscurity
making yourself even more annoyed in the process (because of your own delusions and inadequate assessment of her character)
that’s the type of mental illness you guys are on yet accuse us of. jesus wept.
when i qrt someone annoying it’s a mild nuisance at best. i qrt and move on. but some of you guys keep track of me in a way that is worrying.
like i said earlier, i can be fair but i will also add that people on here have already seen that i’m the type of person who takes accountability when i genuinely think i messed up somewhere.
i’m not perfect and no one is, we’re all works in progress.
but unlike some people i’m not ashamed to acknowledge that fact. so mentioning/showing some previous fuck-ups doesn’t do anything to me. it doesn’t embarrass me. because i already took accountability.
i don’t go on priv, deactivate, nor try to rebrand and hope people forget. i remain public and acknowledge the thing.
but you guys don’t genuinely care, you don’t want to have a conversation. you just want to bully and/or paint me as a villain.
fine, i’ll remain the villain in your head 🤷♀️
at the end of the day i’m only here to support haechan so keep baaing, barking and thinking everyone but you is the problem!
atp none of you care about the comments made by any nct members. saying markfs don’t want to acknowledge or is defending him is kind of a huge reach. he got his lashings from everyone and we did not defend him but somehow you guys think otherwise. i find this situation quite hypocritical don’t you think? clinging onto the fact markfs went priv like y’all didn’t do the same and last i check YOU made a huge ass thread trying to defend said comments using “my korean friend said” as evidence of your claims. to wrap this all up just leave us out of any discourses
delusional. if anything sfs did the most and spammed his hashtag and his bbl to try to let him know (to the point ksfs had to make a new tag)
why did YOU guys go priv? surely not to self-reflect. “held him accountable” and then went priv (who’s gonna see the tweets except markfs? lol). deleting tweets. deactivating. translators included. blocked people calling out mark.
answer me? you can’t? alright! it barely made any noise. every time he messes up, it barely makes any noise because flopzens are quick to hide/dismiss it meanwhile they do the exact opposite for haechan. it was so blatant this year, it’s so funny.
also i know your markf brain is too small to understand that not everything is black and white but i didn’t defend shit, i simply mentioned that it was something lost in translation (not a mistranslation) just like certain translators did, NON-SFS included and then let people with a brain decide for themselves.
isn’t it what one must do before jumping the gun (most of us jumped the gun, me included…)? knowing the full context? 🤥 are you mad because with your fave there’s no context to be cleared up because he literally meant those words unlike haechan who made a sarcastic joke in poor taste towards the fittest members in the group? not every issue should be handled the same and you can definitely stay mad.
it doesn’t matter the amount of times people try to “call me out” over posting this thread. i don’t regret posting the thread and i know most of you guys are only mad i posted it because you were already masturbating at the thought of finally being able to have your gotcha moment with haechan, a member that you’ve had a hate boner for since forever while playing dead when something happened with your fave days later 🤷♀️
and yet you want to play the accountability game lol
this whole thing has now dissolved into petty ass back and forth and at the end of the day flopzens will forget how mark keeps receiving premium protection which is the root cause of this whole argument to begin with.
leave you alone? you’re the one camping in my retrospring you absolute buffoon. don’t tell me what to do. when i receive messages, i answer them.
busy sucking my dick when i’m talking about sm’s double standards when you should have blocked me months ago. be gone
im sorry to say, as a haechan fan for 4 years, there could have been a time he wanted to pursue solo, but as of the moment he isnt. It gets so embarrassing seeing sfs lose their heads when another neo gets something. Haechan is living a good life, hes loved, and if he isnt ready to release a solo yet then thats fine. Sometimes people can be contented in what they have as of the moment. Stop blaming others, and wait patiently when hes ready.
alright this is the last time i say this and i’m using your message to pin it so forgive me if some stuff is irrelevant to how you feel anon but let’s wrap this shit up once and for all:
1. haechan is the most overworked idol, his health often at risk, his sleeping schedule often messed up and he barely has time for himself. and the solo stuff he does do when he has time to focus on himself get turned down. even if you’re a social media type of person (which he isn’t) under these conditions what would you even “promote” for yourself.
what’s there to promote? he couldn’t even talk about the blue check challenge in a fancall without getting cut off by staff lmao and some people want him to promote himself on fucking tiktok. don’t even get me started with the untouchable challenge.
some people make fun of us, act arrogant like they know better, that they know he’s just THAT lazy and that we’re just THAT delusional, when we keep saying he’s literally not allowed to do shit as freely as others.
let’s say he was allowed to do stuff as freely as others (which he isn’t), even if he were to “promote” himself more by posting on instagram and tiktok, then what? would he get a brand ambassadorship? or would that get turned down too like so many opportunities got turned down for him in the past by sm? and even if he did get one, that’s one more thing taking the already limited time he has for himself when he could focus on HOLO…
which would be no issue if he wasn’t overworked in the first place. and also…who gives a fuck about one rn? he’s always been way more interested in music.
2. with the info above taken into consideration, haechan explicitly said multiple times he wants HOLO, the latest timeS being this year in OCTOBER. he overall mentioned taking action many times but was rejected because of bullshit reasons given by sm while as long as others are involved some way somehow, stuff gets approved more easily which is no wonder why he would think that’s the better option.
he implied he would need to go to another company to do proper solo stuff. he said sm is blocking him. HE SAID IT. so atp it’s more than just “not being ready”. if we could get simple solo stuff, we wouldn’t ask for an entire album. but we can’t even get that.
3. the possibility that his mental health may not be good. which doesn’t mean he doesn’t want holo but it would mean right now that’s not his priority. that still doesn’t mean he’s lazy and it doesn’t mean it’s his fault which means the victim blaming needs to end.
if you take my first 2 points into consideration, he’s already exhausted because of these schedules then he might be even more exhausted because when he does try, he gets shut down repeatedly and then barely gets any spotlight during cbs AND THEN add the (potential) mental health issues..yeahhh, no fucking wonder.
i don’t blame him one bit and i would barely post shit too.
4. we want him to rest but he can’t fucking rest and he told us to stop telling him to, SO since he’s not gonna get shit either way, let him at least SHINE during cbs and by shine i mean let him get the lines and spotlight he deserves because we already know he shines no matter what because he’s haechan but that’s not the point otherwise he’s killing himself for WHAT?
5. “we want more solo schedules, less group schedules and we want him to rest more but we’re not getting this anytime soon so let him at least get the spotlight he deserves during cbs so his efforts aren’t wasted” is a VALID statement and not contradictory.
we want him to have more solo schedules that would benefit him than group stuff that don’t benefit him in any way/enough.
he loves being in the group tho so let him be with the group…but let him grow on his own as well by having more solo schedules and LESS (but not zero) group schedules which are physically way more demanding (and a health hazard) than the solo schedules we’re asking for!!!
if he says he wants HOLO (like he’s been doing), i’ll scream for HOLO, if he says he isn’t ready, then that’s that. if he says he wants to rest, let’s rest. simple as that. i only base my opinions on stuff HE said.
hope that helps!!
haechan is on no variety shows and every other dream member is 😁 ill kms
my gg stan friend asked why's there a girl in an nct group song they heard and when i checked it was haechan's voice 😭
the siren haechan agenda alive and well
Can you just deactivate and disappear we are so sick of you pretending youre a sunflower when you clearly fuck with nct dream and defend jaemin
lmao you must be new here or have me mixed up with someone else considering the amount of times i got jumped for “shading dream members”. or this is simply a set up from a unitzen trying to make solo sfs look a certain way.
i like or tolerate (mostly tolerate) members in relation to haechan so the only members i like or tolerate are the ones whom i deemed great towards haechan long enough.
newsflash goblin, people aren’t only black and white, they’re shades of gray so if they’ve been normal and great towards haechan long enough like jaemin and now jisung, i will have no issue towards them because people change, sometimes for the better.
if that were to change, i would act accordingly, like i’ve done many times because i only care about these people in relation to haechan since i’m a solo sf.
which is basically how a lot of solo sfs feel (yes, even the super hateful ones) although some of them can’t stand any of them and that’s their prerogative.
i’m not less of an sf than they are because i’m not as hateful. as long as i don’t throw haechan to the wolves to defend another neo, literally who gives af.
come for the ones who throw him under the bus for other neos, not the ones who always defend him and let neos breathe as long as they’re good towards haechan long enough.
in conclusion, whether you’re a hateful akgae who has let rage consume
you so bad that you’re incapable of critical thinking or an unitzen trying to start drama: cope.
but then again based on this message you’re probably one of those “sfs” who make excuses for 127 members and you are definitely obsessed with me because are you aware i could actually disappear if you simply…blocked me? yawns
I’m literally open to conversation and then they bring up sinophobia and whole point is lost. Like nine times out of ten that does not have anything to do with the discourse.
they don’t have real arguments
That’s so fucking awkward he literally said he wanted hc and they send someone else. And it also happens to be the one whos grandpas loaded and gets just about any thing he asks for.
idk about the last part but this company never fails to amaze me with their trash-ness
Every time sfs complain about something that other Stan’s really can’t argue with when you lay it out. They come in with mark karma or chenle karma and like karma for what???? Being exploited since he was a teenager…being worked to the bone and getting nothing in return…getting his oppuruntites given to others????
you know they hate him but pretend they just hate us 🌚 all that “karma” and haechan is still more popular overall 🌚 be quiet!
mahae truthers weep
Every word that haechan says every move he makes anytime he breathes coughs or even blinks everyone is constantly like “what flavor that v*pe tho” and I’m so tired of it. Let the man live. That is old news anyway like can we please move on and praise him for other things like his singing.
flopzens constantly being unfunny and not knowing when a “joke” is dead on arrival, what is new. i just mute
nahyuck the most adorable haechan friendship ever
true! but did something new happen
idk if I'm late BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUU <33 I really hope you have a great dayyy
a lot of upsetting stuff happening regarding haechan so i’m a bit inactive😭 THANK YOU SWEET ANON 🤩🤍
my dearest and most favorite sf, here's a nahyuck treat for us ❤️
thank you sweet anon, i love winning 🌚🌚
haechan's biggest fan actually
we smiled.
A lot of celebrities and people do drugs. Doesn’t make them addicts. And Korea is real strict on that stuff, tbh I don’t think many people are willing to play that game. Like weed maybe but heavy drugs no way cause you would be able to tell. Even weed I doubt anyone would think was worth it if it cost your entire career and jail time.
“Even weed I doubt anyone would think was worth it if it cost your entire career and jail time.”
some of you are gonna yell at me because i said i would put this convo to rest but i mean if that’s all you guys are sending me…☠️😭 am i just supposed to ignore everyone until another topic is brought up 🚶♀️
The difference in response from dreamzens and 127zens 💀 dreamzen really see them as children omg
both sides are cringe and doing the most
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