Marcello Jace.

Regally handsome with a tender allure, he leaves a lasting impression—where elegance meets compelling charm.

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dito · 2 answers · 7mo

apa yang kalian lakuin kalau orang terdekat kalian (di virtual) hilang tiba' dan gatau kontak lain selain akun dia?

Ga ada yang bisa dilakuin selain berdoa aja sama berharap dia kembali. Lagipula mau tanya kemana juga engga tau.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Kira-kira kalo pcr ku naksir bapak ku itu gmna ya?

Rumaisha A, J. · 11 answers · 7mo

Teman-teman, biasanya kalau weekend ngapain aja selain rebahan di rumah/kosan? :3

Rumaisha A, J. · 11 answers · 7mo

Selain mie ayam, apa makanan berat yang biasanya dijadiin sarapan buat orang-orang sebelum kerja?

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

What was the last song you listened to on repeat?

dito · 6 answers · 8mo

are you backburner or take a chance with me team?

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Ceyooo ceyoooo ceyoooooo

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Hi, Cello? I hope I use the right nickname. How's ur day so far? I hope you had a wonderful one. Please drink a lot of water and take some time to rest. You did great for today, Cello.

Hi, sender. Yep. My day has been quite good, thank you. I really appreciate your thoughtful message. I'll be sure to stay hydrated and take a moment to rest. How about your day? Anything exciting happening?

Elson · 9mo

Thanks for being my love, makasih juga udah sabar sama aku yang kadang banyak fafifu wasweswos nya, I love youUuu 🤍

haidar · 9mo

cello, coba kasih tau aing lo suka mie rasa apa aja? sekalian rekomen yg enak-enak euy

Gua kayaknya lebih suka yang rebus, lu bisa cobain mie kari sama mie soalnya punya indomie, terus kari spesialnya mie sedaap. Sama cobain mie rebusnya mie gaga enak-enak semua dah asli.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

bang menurut lo kalau lo dilahirkan jadi benda, lo mau jadi apa?

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