anon <3 · 4mo

hiiii !!! do u perhaps have some fic with alpha jsng who is very protective/possessive of mnh???? or like enemies to lovers with this kind of dynamic between them ?? i love omegaverse so much and just the thought of alpha jsng being protective and possesive over omega mnh even if they "hate" each other is so UGHHHHHHH !! im asking because i dont think ive ever read a fic with this particular dynamic between them im so sorry to bother you >< !! hope u have a nice day iilen ^^

ahhh if you're specifically looking for enemies to lovers, i am not the right person to ask--i actually almost never read that trope, sorry >.<
protective alpha jsng, is a little bit easier. i will try to share some later when i'm on my phone (where i save all of my fics i love to reread), but i'll also share in case others have something a little bit closer to what you're looking for.

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