Anonymous Coward · 2mo

I have so much to look up lol. I just saw the latest Bandori EN tweet, and they mentioned a Dream Festival banner next? Does it work the same as prsk Color Fes? Actually, how do all the banners work if you wouldn’t mind explaining? Sorry for all these questions one after another 😔…btw I’m going to start signing my asks so I won’t have to keep calling myself the prsk anon who started playing Bandori—🥁

hi again and yea !! dreamfes and colofes are equivalent :D bandori is onto its third rotation of dreamfes rn hoping to see prsk start their second one soon !! and yeah like prsk you can pull Others dreamfes within that banner but not the other regular banners. another different banner we got are kirafes they're animated cards ! when u equip them you get the pairing of the card appear in ur menu so it's really cute lmao

then i think the biggest difference of banner between bandori and prsk is the lims. prsk has one per month and is indicated by a different hairstyle but neither is the case for bandori. hairstyles always changes in bandori But the GUARANTEED lims are seasonal. new year, valentines, wedding, summer (we hate summer sets in this house), halloween, christmas. Maybe spring/sakura and white day but those arent consistent. and they always happen on the first day of the holiday month like christmas set is always the first set of december and valentines the first of february etc.

and dw about all those questions im glad to be answering them !!! thank u badum tss anon

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