Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 10d

I always enjoy your book reviews & was wondering what your landmines/tropes you hate all are?

hello anon!! thanks for reading my reviews i'm glad you're enjoying my bookposting <3 this is a bit complicated to answer since the venn diagram of Things I Like and Things I Dislike has a 95% overlap (see especially: gore, amnesia/memory problems, pairing off an entire ensemble cast) because most tropes are heavily dependent on execution for me and i have sofuckingcomplicateditis. but the main story elements i dislike in published fiction regardless of execution are:

  • focus on real-world oppression / homophobia, sexism, racism, transphobia etc being a heavy part of the plot or worldbuilding – kind of inescapable in my fave genre (sff) so i just have to cope
  • a character's reputation being unjustly ruined eg public humiliation, lies that turn their loved ones against them, false accusations, etc
  • medical realism eg pregnancy, infections, surgeries, needles, blood withdrawals/transfusions specifically
  • unrelenting misery that also ends badly – i have a weak heart and need a little bit of hope/light/love at some point to live >_< love interests having names i find unappealing

and a few other notes:

  • cheating is my #1 dnw in fic where i don't even want to see a mention of it, but i have a bit more tolerance of its existence in books, although it will permanently sour me on the ship and characters involved (dimirose vampire academy……………….)
  • similarly switching/reverse is tied #1 dnw in fic but i'm less bothered by it in books because i rarely care for canon m/m or f/f so it's really none of my business if it shows up
  • 95% of authors need to be banned from writing enemies to lovers

obviously not a value judgment on any of the above tropes, just what i personally prefer not to read. all this being said, i basically never dnf books no matter what (i have literally only ever dropped two books, being 1. evermore by alyson noel which was legitimately so bad i could not force myself through it and don't intend to ever revisit + 2. jade city by fonda lee which was actually really good but so insanely stressful for me i couldn't keep going although i haven't ruled out picking it back up) so i'm always shopping at the landmine store for landmines lol. probably i need to go back to my crime procedural roots and make 2025 the year of mysteries which rarely if ever fail me, but i really love magic systems so much i can't stop picking up romantasy glurge #949273939383 in the hopes that this one will be different for real not clickbait. :')

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