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anon · 27d

The moon doesn't deserve to be hurt.

The moon doesn't deserve to be hurt.
Such an important piece of our lives,
Glistening like a pearl kissed by the sun's light,
Beauty unlike anything conjured in the mind's eye.

The reflected glow from the moon's rays,
Reminds us of what is really important:
People, memories, quiet connection.
Those are what truly fill our days,
And make the discordant heart flutter.

The elegance of the moon never wavers.
No matter the storms or silent cries,
She stands, defiantly strong,
Molded by her scars, yet perfect in her own way.

The moon doesn't deserve to be hurt.
Hold your head high above the sky,
For you are more than just the moon-
You are beauty unlike any other in my eyes.

this is a love letter i absolutely do not deserve but will cherish nonetheless.. thank you my sweet

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