Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 14d

hi! silly question, but are you caught up with every enhypen content? how do you make time for everything?
when i miss on my fave's contents, don't vote or stream, i feel so guilty. it's worse when i don't specifically have a reason. when you love someone, you want to support them, but sometimes (esp this year) i physically can't do it. when i'm mentally exhausted i tend to isolate myself from everything and end up 'brain rotting'. it makes me feel unworthy of their hard work and love.

definitely not. i hope you don’t take this as an insult or a commentary on how you love them because it’s not at all what im saying/implying, but i will say for me.. when i am mentally exhausted he is exactly what i reach for. i do not rely on him for my happiness.. but in times of exhaustion and feelings of uselessness/hopelessness i find surety in knowing i can still be his cheerleader, even from here. but even if you can’t keep up with them, love in any capacity and in any form is never about deserving and it’s something i’ve come to learn over the past year or two (still learning). they will always be waiting for you for as long as you love them. i’ll still love him and them whether i deserve it or not

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