Isaaaaa · 15 answers · 1mo

What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said to you?

I always remember someone who talked to me like — “When I talked to you, I was always happy. You give me more energy with your cuteness even though you’re always angry.”

Idk? Say something nicest to me, Babe. I’ll make your words being nicest thing in my life. 🥺

That they are grateful to have me around and as cheesy as it sounds, when they say that they love me!

That I'm sweet? I don't need opinion from other people to describe who I am. I think that's the nicest one. But actually, so many people told me about nice things and I'm grateful for that!

I have a lot, but I’ll go with “Don’t worry, I’m here.” and “I love you.” because I know when he says it, it’s not empty words and they’re alive.

“Kak Isa wants Zanna to have a guy who is as kind as him around you, Zan. 🥰”

the thing you just said to me this morning kak icang!! {sobs} 🥹🤍

To say that I'm everyone's favorite Winter. Lol. Shoutout to Gene. It really boosts my confidence up.

Recently the world is being so kind to me, I feel so happy that everybody around me (especially x's mutual) being all nice and so kind to me. No need to mention the words, the acts, the way people treat me is more precious than any speak louder. I feel so grateful for it, let's keep it long, lot's love from me- Lilith. 💖

many have said nice nice things to me so i can’t choose just one >.< but my favorites are:
“you’re my fav girl in my following list”
“you’re just so good, i’m addicted”
“gemes banget sih kamu, mas gregetan dari tadi tau gak” (after ngomong jorok LOL)

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