Isaaaaa · 11 answers · 25d

Thoughts on Isa or describe Isa, please? 🥺

Kak Isaaa! You're cuter than a rabbit, talkative like a parrot, and sweet as sugar. However, we rarely interact, I love whatever you share on timeline, <3.

KAK ISA. The warmest person I have ever met. I thought we couldn't be close, but I was wrong. You are the magnet, you are the glue in this world that makes people stay and feel close to you. I'm really grateful that you're here, with us. I bet everything would agree with what I said. You always try to keep the conversation going, build the chemistry and what else? You are perfect, at least for me.

Gonna reply this as OOC.

Celestine Ivy Isadora, you are incredibly precious to me. You take such good care of everyone, always kind, always listening, and funny too. You truly embody 'brains, beauty, and behavior.' Your presence is comforting, even if sometimes chaotic (but hey, we're both like that!). You genuinely encourage me to be better. I couldn't ask for more. I am blessed to have you around! 🤍

Isa, such a cutie person, lovely, talkative also caring. You are an honest girl, how to describe Isa? Even words can't describe how wonderful Isa is, gorgeous girl!

I love how you talking with your friends, so adorable. And nicest to meet you here, being one of your friends. Also being your teacher? HAHAHA. I cherish this friendship, longlast with me ya, Isa. I love you, Isaaa! 🤍

kak isa is surely a friendly person! i think you are able to make people feel at ease around you and i feel that way with you too~! a certified big sister energy. <3333

kak ica is basically the definition of amazing – always there for you, super caring, drop-dead gorgeous, and just an all-around wonderful human being. think of someone who's like your personal sunshine it’s kak icang. 🥺🤍

seriously, you’re like a walking ray of sunshine in human form. kak ica is always there to lend a hand, always looking out for others, caring deeply. LOVE YOU SOOOOO MUCH <3333

You’re kind of the social butterfly, a lovely, and friendly person. I feel comfortable having a conversation with you since you’re a person who’s fun to talk with, and I think people will agree with my opinion about you. Also, I’d love to have more conversations with you 🤍

The loveliest human being alive! 🥺

Siapa yang sangka, semua mention pasti dibales sama beliau yang luar biasa ini? (Standing applause.)

You're talking about social butterfly? She's the icon. Setiap Kak Isa muncul, pasti rasanya cerah banget atmospherenya. She doesn't hesitate to initiate a conversation, she's a good listener. Lovely, lovely, lovely!

Kakak Isa, my loveliest sissy. Kak Isa is like the older sister I've always cherished the most. Her graceful beauty isn't just skin deep; it brings a sense of comfort. She listens without judgment and is always there to offer support. Her humor brightens even the toughest times, and her charming quirks never fail to make me smile. Yet, there's an undeniable allure beneath her charm, making her both cute and irresistibly attractive. She embodies everything I value in a friend and more. Please never forget how much I adore you and I'm grateful to have you in my life, Kakak sayang.

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