Isaaaaa · 11 answers · 25d

Please share me your tips and tricks yang jitu on modusin or make a move on target pasar kamu. 😋

i don’t remember the last time i had a crush on someone, too long ago i think so i don’t remember what i did to get close to my crush LOL. but in general, i’m not the type to pursue someone so yeah.. in short, idk. I WOULD LIKE SOME TIPS TOO ‼️

Berkaca dari pengalaman, just be brave haha. Make the first move especially on starting a conversation. ^^

Being clingy and flirt, Isaaaa. Haha, talking randomly, i thought you good at this one. Just do it, babe.

First thing first, make sure about your feelings first. Please refrain love-bombing someone you 'thought' you have a crush on, but then POOF, gone. That's so rude, people.

Next step is to scan 'saingan'. HAHAHA sorry I just can't find a better word for this. Intinya yah.. cek dulu ya, target kamu tuh udah berpawang atau belum? Kalau udah, yaudah. Jangan dilanjut. Ngapain. Bikin capek diri sendiri aja.

Nah, ini step yang berat. Make a move lah. Kalo emang beliau nggak ada interaksi sama kamu, try to initiate one. Abis itu yaudah guys..... improvisasi aja. Ad-lib gitu soalnya ya ini aku ngarang aja.

Being a comedian and a clown at the same time. Didn't have the exact tips, but you have to be brace enough to face them. Be bold towards them. They wouldn't know you had a crush on them if you didn't tell them.

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