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Isaaaaa · 11 answers · 8mo

Please share me your tips and tricks yang jitu on modusin or make a move on target pasar kamu. 😋

I'm always failed if it's me who pursue them hahaha. So, I prefer they to pursue me.

i don’t remember the last time i had a crush on someone, too long ago i think so i don’t remember what i did to get close to my crush LOL. but in general, i’m not the type to pursue someone so yeah.. in short, idk. I WOULD LIKE SOME TIPS TOO ‼️

Berkaca dari pengalaman, just be brave haha. Make the first move especially on starting a conversation. ^^

Being clingy and flirt, Isaaaa. Haha, talking randomly, i thought you good at this one. Just do it, babe.

Being a comedian and a clown at the same time. Didn't have the exact tips, but you have to be brace enough to face them. Be bold towards them. They wouldn't know you had a crush on them if you didn't tell them.

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