Mysterious bud\(^-^)/ · 8d

What´s gonna happen with Ellen and Ruby now, after that kiss I can´t deal with poor Ruby going back to square one with Ellen, Ruby can´t suffer any more

I truly appreciate how Ellen handled the situation.
Firstly, she threatened everyone not to tell Iske about it. Secondly, when she discovered that Ruby wasn't in her room in the middle of the night, she went searching for her, where Ruby was rubbing the mushroom on her lips while saying she needed to cleanse herself or Iske wouldn't accept her. Ellen reassured her that she's not dirty and everything is gone. Ellen carried the sleeping Ruby on her back and allowed Ruby to stay in her room instead of her own. Once Ellen found out how Freya's behavior toward ruby , she chose to distance herself from Freya due to her bond with Ruby❤️

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