Mysterious bud\(^-^)/ · 5d

I need to know how Cesare meets his end please, like I hate him so much, I hope Ruby is the one who kills him and makes him suffer

To be honest, I wasn't satisfied with the way Cesare's ending was portrayed in the novel. I would like Siru Nim to make the scene more detailed in the manhwa adaptation. In the novel, there wasn't much description, beyond stating that Cesare was dead, and Iske handed Ruby the sword covered in his blood.

There is some ambiguity in the narrative regarding whether Iske killed Cesare and handed Ruby a sword covered in his blood, or if Ruby took Cesare's last breath by the sword Iske gave her.

(Furthermore, I wasn't satisfied with the chapters that were released after the poison arc. I know some people might disagree, but in my opinion, the story dropped off significantly after the poison arc. Everything seemed rushed and unresolved)

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