Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

meng · 10mo

yupyup selain d4wn of the dragaun apaka ada manhwa lain yang karakternya mirip spti kkmdol lagi :3 apaka bole bagi 😁☝🏻

NDER EKWKWKWK yuyur dark hair x dark hair lowkey susah jd aku biasanya projecting tuh dr vibes/trope yg cocok tp coba ya aku list dua-duanya. jgn lupa dibaca summary/tag/warningnya

appearance/design wise (only?): t0p5y-tu/rvy (2nd throuple💜🖤💙), 무//흔//의 밤, r3d c4ndy, unluck1ly lvcky

trope wise only: th3 sh4pe 0f symp4thy, 0meg4 c0mplex, th3 sp00ky l0ve t4le 0f g0ngch4n se0l, h3ll0 4g4in

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