Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Chaey · 7 answers · 8mo

If you get a day off and get to go anywhere you want, where would it be?

I've been missing my hometown a lot, so I’m probably going to book a flight to the States. I also want to return to Italy, where I can be a modern Juliet in fair Verona and explore their museums. The country itself is a masterpiece, a true work of art.

It might sound boring to some, but there's nothing I cherish more on my day off than staying at home, snuggling under my warm blanket with a good book or a favorite movie. :3

I think I will go back to Italy without any cameras and mission, just go there to have some fun! I will go to tourist spot and took soo many pictures that my phone can't handle them anymore!

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