Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous crow · 6mo

Mnsng celebrating their first christmas in their own apartment. Buying a little tree and decorating it together, watching christmas movies and cuddling in bed. Mnho cooks a fancy ass dinner and they go for a romantic walk in the snow afterwards (sorry I am going insane the domestic brainworms WON'T STOP)

NOOOO SHUT UP /jk 😭 i'm in pain (bc of love) at the idea, especially since chr!stmas in 🇰🇷 is a holiday for couples. it's also mim's parents' anniversary (no wonder he's so romantic). whatever they do, it'll be lovely ;-; together in their new home. FUCK.

in gen, i don't expect to hear anything about anyone's chr!stmas plans... but i do know our couple is often Extra during end of the year events. that'll be a treat

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