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anonymous crow · 5mo

Can you draw?

anonymous crow · 6mo

What's your favorite thing about meemsvngs dynamic

MY MOST FAVORITE THING IS... how they're fucking obsessed with eo. how their honeymoon phase is forever recurring. how they fucking can't stop yapping about eo. how the other is so often brought up in conversation even if it's about themselves or smth else. forever loud since they found eo back in 2017.

anonymous crow · 5mo

Are there any alien/ufo docs that u'd recommend?? Hope you're doing great btw 😊

ty, friend ♡ Actually, yes, there is one I found to be non-judgemental and free from spooky music and all that: "L0ve & S4ucers" (Warnings for talks about sex, sexually explicit artwork and maybe some body horror. censoring the title just in case lol. I started looking up mant!s beings after watching and I was kinda blown away with what I found??)

anonymous crow · 6mo

It just hit me that mnsng will be having dinner together every night from now on 😭

anonymous crow · 6mo
anonymous crow · 6mo

The only person who stares at me and then randomly bursts out saying "you're so cute" (multiple times) is my boyfriend😵‍💫

anonymous crow · 6mo

Do u think they'll start sharing a closet? I expect them to wear each other's clothes so much more often now

anonymous crow · 6mo

Tbh even if they aren't a couple, in my opinion it's pretty obvious they're wildly attracted to each other and just based on my own experience I have a hard time believing there's absolutely nothing (physical) going on between them now that they're living together 😵‍💫😳

oh my~~ 🤭

but no really, i agree, they're clearly very attracted to one another. i'd mentioned this a while back but i'd never really been into shipping or anything. when i first got into 5kz, seeing the way these 2 interacted and looked at eo (outside of any sort of yt or tikt0k compilation) their attraction was PLAIN AS DAY. alarms were going off in my head like "yo is this real life? anyone else seeing this???" i looked at other "ships" and things to get a frame of reference and ik id0ls all do f4nservice and shit but this was not that, you know??

hope they're having a very good time together, whatever they're up to lol

anonymous crow · 6mo
anonymous crow · 6mo
So wsb was written the day before the boyfriend log?👀

yes a day before that r4cha log released :) the log itself was prob filmed at an earlier date.

anonymous crow · 6mo

Has anyone been keeping up to date with the '100 days' thing this year? It would be interesting to see if any of the big mnsvng moments are still aligning with it like they were last year

oooh it's possible ang might be keeping track of some things? i'll have to ask ♡

anonymous crow · 6mo

Mnsng celebrating their first christmas in their own apartment. Buying a little tree and decorating it together, watching christmas movies and cuddling in bed. Mnho cooks a fancy ass dinner and they go for a romantic walk in the snow afterwards (sorry I am going insane the domestic brainworms WON'T STOP)

NOOOO SHUT UP /jk 😭 i'm in pain (bc of love) at the idea, especially since chr!stmas in 🇰🇷 is a holiday for couples. it's also mim's parents' anniversary (no wonder he's so romantic). whatever they do, it'll be lovely ;-; together in their new home. FUCK.

in gen, i don't expect to hear anything about anyone's chr!stmas plans... but i do know our couple is often Extra during end of the year events. that'll be a treat

anonymous crow · 6mo

Didn't know s4n was a 5kz member 🤓
What is this statement actually?😭
There's so many male idols who performed bare chested before s4n. Absolutely no hate to him but he didn't invent it

loool idk idk i guess they're new to 5kz??? and yes, many male id0ls have freed the tits before! (which reminds me of sol4r ripping off her shirt at the end of that one iconic perf0rmance)

anonymous crow · 6mo

people clutching their pearls because Flx was bare chested last night, meanwhile S4n has had his tits out for years. ridiculous!

🤭 lmao i hope lx's bare chestedness was celebrated as it should be.

ig they were surprised? bc we haven't seen flx tits out as often. & yes you're right, some other id0ls have their tits out much more!

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