Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous crow · 6mo

Tbh even if they aren't a couple, in my opinion it's pretty obvious they're wildly attracted to each other and just based on my own experience I have a hard time believing there's absolutely nothing (physical) going on between them now that they're living together 😵‍💫😳

oh my~~ 🤭

but no really, i agree, they're clearly very attracted to one another. i'd mentioned this a while back but i'd never really been into shipping or anything. when i first got into 5kz, seeing the way these 2 interacted and looked at eo (outside of any sort of yt or tikt0k compilation) their attraction was PLAIN AS DAY. alarms were going off in my head like "yo is this real life? anyone else seeing this???" i looked at other "ships" and things to get a frame of reference and ik id0ls all do f4nservice and shit but this was not that, you know??

hope they're having a very good time together, whatever they're up to lol

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