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anonymous crow · 6mo

I know he could have been joking back then but I'm losing my mind over the fact that back in October last year jsvng still said he's not ready to live with mnho yet and so I just wonder what happened, what changed his mind?? Idk I'm just so curious about the whole timeline because I think they've been living together since at least june, maybe even earlier? I think the break in February would have been a good opportunity to look for apartments and prepare a move because they were pretty busy afterwards but I'll guess we'll never know.

I'm just very happy they decided to give it a shot, in my opinion it's the next step in their relationship and shows they want this to work out and I guess they realized if they want to be with eo long-term it would make sense to try living together. I can imagine there will be some fights or arguments because you can't really avoid stuff like that, but first and foremost I think it will be great for them. Just alone all the privacy they have now is probably a blessing for them. Even when they all used to live together the other members pointed out that they're very secretive and tend to go on their dates separate from the group, that always used to be their thing.

And with mnsvng in general, I always felt like we mostly ever see the version of them they feel comfortable with showing to the world. I don't mean this in a bad way, I'm not saying they're faking anything or something like that, but I feel like in front of the camera and even in front of the members they always hold back to certain degree. Some of my most treasured mnsvng moments are the few little glimpses we've gotten over the years of their relationship when they felt like no one was filming / paying attention to them (that clip of the air kiss backstage during maniac tour, the infamous jagi phonecall, even when mnho was on jsvngs lap on that benchpress and they were just so lovey-dovey with eo before jsvng noticed the camera).
I think when it's just the two of them, they are quite different from what we get to see, they're way more affectionate and lovey-dovey and I think it's probably doing wonders for their relationship that they finally have a space to let loose, be completely immersed in their own bubble without worrying about others. At least based on the stuff jsvng said these past few days he seems so happy and giddy about it and it just makes me emotional 😭 I hope it will stay that way❤️


i too wonder what changed his mind. i mean i suspect that changing d0rms was going to happen either way and what a wonderful choice to make, to go live with your bff, your j4gi. i'm sure it made the most sense considering how much they were probably at eo's places anyway? (assuming so bc the clothing-sharing and the tidbits they shared in 2gr, plus the fact that they go on dates all the time...)

i agree, at least from the outside, living together is the next big step. for any couple it's huge but especially for a qveer couple in a country where they can't get married. like ofc they're groupmates so that helps conceal any possible romantic relationship. i imagine they do bicker a lot like we've heard and right, there are bound to be disagreements. at the same time, given all their years existing together, their closeness, how they "match well," and "don't need words" often, just their behavior when they're next to eo.. i feel they're pretty acclimated to eo.

about not seeing them fully, i completely agree. they've also mentioned that before in their 2nd 2gr, how they didn't show themselves 100%. and same, i love the little glimpses into how they are privately. the most telling are the ones that they don't seem to want us to see? in general, we only see like 1% of any id0l in reality.

you're right, the amount of privacy they have now must be a blessing :) and i'm thrilled for them ❤️

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