[Redacted] · 27d

read your tweet about memory loss that was caused by depression and i'm sorry it happened to you, andy. also i take it with you willing to talk about such heavy experience, you are a depression survivor?

Healing is never a linear thing, so it's safe to say I am still on it.. even after years that happened. If what you meant by being a survivor is that I didn't off myself in those days then yeah you can call me that, but honestly, there are still some days and nights where I had a relapse about things because even today I still feel like in a constant survival mode instead of completely living my life to the fullest so.. yeah. The reason I am more open with it now because talking about it partly helps me to make sense of things that happened to me. In a world where people often disregard or underestimate things, I feel kinda safe to just admit things to myself by saying them out loud.

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