Anonymous · 2mo

Hmm, well if the topic is owls, I'm curious, how does Mordecai operate on an average day? Is he more of a wild predator like wild owls, or does he try to maintain some level of modesty and hide his predation? I've seen both interpretations in art with him, so I'm curious what appeals most to you, as his creator :3

In all fairness, it's really up to his mood! In my head, owls have a secret society and have been running things for absolute ages. He's been around for an undeterminant amount of time, possibly hundreds of years. So he's got enough power and prestige and money to do whatever he wants. Could be the wild predator in the woods, could go out into society and be a large owl with a large appetite.. Lots of ways to take it. At any rate, currently, he owns a major power company, and that's what makes most money. But that's not something he has to be hands-on for, ha.

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