Anonymous · 2mo

Vore scenarios involving intimacy and seduction: do you find the idea of a charming, seductive predator who lulls their prey into a false sense of security before devouring them appealing? How does the blend of romance and danger enhance the experience for you?

Charming and seductive preds are fun, yeah. Even if the prey knows what's going to happen, they can't resist. Or maybe the charms make them ignore dangerous signals. And the pred might have the wires crossed in their head between romance and eating people alive. Devoured in a bout of passion, gurgling away and squirming while the pred strokes their stomach and huffs out a heady belch, maybe grinding against their belly... All theirs.

So yeah, that's real fun stuff, yeah. I like mixing vore and vorish peril with a healthy dash of passion/eroticism. x3

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