Anonymous · 1mo

cheating because it's a list of questions that I've wanted to clear of my chest, but they're not too too complicated to ask if you don't mind answering:

• Ever heard of the Rimworld vore mods?
• what is the pitchshift range of Tip and Tap?
• In how long could you be doing these endeavors? a decade or more?
and lastly
• Kindly eat me, please? 🍖 🥺🍖

  • Yep! I even helped put sounds into the big one, ha. I just wish a lot of the other mods I used didn't break rimworld, ha.
  • Don't quite remember off the top of my head. It's a few semitones, at least. x3
  • Well, I've already been doing it over a decade, so....yeah, probably a decade or more, ha
  • Only cause you asked nicely, and I haven't had breakfast yet ;9

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