Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

NPC · 8mo

RH+xingyue anon here (though there've been several such anons now so maybe I should pick a different name lol), yeah, I've been seeing that person's takes in the wild and side-eying them for... I don't even remember, possibly since last year, but until the VA incident and now this, there was no definitive wrong I could point to without sounding crazy (and I never followed them so I didn't know about the harassment, but knew ENOUGH about them so it didn't shock me). Also, DARVO is their favored tactic smh.

OMG THERES MORE THAN ONE OF U i’m pleasantly surprised :o i’ve seen anons on tumblr use emojis to differentiate themselves i think that could be fun!

and yeah…. i’m both shocked and also somehow completely unsurprised that this person has such a troubling reputation even among their own fandom, i truly hope they gain some perspective soon bc none of this is serious enough for them to act the way they do

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