Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

NPC · 8mo

Is it just me or did I feel something in my chest if Dan Heng chooses to vote "yes" with the rest of the Astral Express to help the Xianzhou Luofu with their Stellaron problem, Jing Yuan responds immediately in a warm tone: "Thank you, Dan Heng." I wonder if Jing Yuan was pleased and relieved to see that the reincarnation of one of his dear friends is willing to help him.

oh it’s def not just you it makes my chest warm every time 🥹 he sounds so touched bc he clearly didn’t even want to have to ask in the first place, but there was literally no one else he could turn to

dh readily accepting, regardless of his reasoning for doing so, likely made him feel at least a bit better for having to put him in that position in the first place bc of circumstance

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