Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

NPC · 8mo

I'm the only one who used "RH+xingyue anon" specifically to identify myself, I just mean others have weighed in on the subject and shared their frustrations with their own fandom too (and thank you guys, I do feel a bit less alone now). Nevertheless, I think I'll use "♤ anon" now, just off the top of my head. Also, it's unfortunately unlikely that that person will change because I've seen their Type in other fandoms and they rarely do. Best we can hope for is that their audience drops them.

AH I think I’d read your last ask too quickly 😅 and sorry it took me so long to reply to this, but thank you too for even having these convos with me I actually really appreciate being able to talk with RHers who don’t immediately jump down someone’s throat over the guys it’s genuinely v refreshing and makes it a lot easier to stomach when I inevitably see them on the TL (seeing them often reminds me of Less Sociable Circles, nothing rly against the ship itself). And yeah, I don’t expect much change from ppl like that, I just hope the stalkerish behavior is over and done with

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