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NPC · 8mo

Found an interesting hc frm someplace: dh not happy when jy mentioning df becos he feels jealous, like cong jealous of his crush’s exbf who actually himself in his past life…I’m not agree with it 100% but what if this is true?

i actually touched this once before w cong! though i think i would say its not so much jealousy actually as it is an insecurity maybe? df is the “shadow” that’s covered dh his entire life. during their convo on the beach, he seemed to feel he couldn’t necessarily measure up to df (“i may not be capable of the things he was capable of”) so to him, the way i see it is he’s like “don’t compare me to him, bc if you do, i might not win”

although… does that not still count as jealousy actually? idk not sure

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