Katie · 1y

To this dearest brother of mine, I figured it was about time I repay your kindness with the truth I was hoping for you to acknowledge. When I said that not everyone possess the ability to compose beautiful reminders in writings, it was true. I was caught in awe when you keep showering me with so much love, then I thought to myself, it would only be fair for me to do the same for you, right? Because you deserve it more than anyone, for that matter. This is my first message to send in your inbox! 🤍

There are so many states of life I had tripped off by fear, more times of hesitation came in. There are so many chances of life showing me how wacky it could treat me, but having your presence, sis, has always been one of the reasons I could smile back up to show life that no matter how blinding the darkness in my life is, there are always lights from my loved ones shining my way throughout it. So thank you, for all the love you have given, the words reciprocated, the caring hands and for your mere presence in my life. Thank you for trusting me to be your friend, sister, brother and to witness your beauty this close. 🫰

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