Anonymous Coward · 21d

What´s gonna happen next to our poor Ruby, please someone help her

Well, they go to her garden and Cezar will talk nonsense about loving her and how they should run away and blah blah blah. Ruby is confused and sick because she thought he was an aggressive and abusive psychopath but didn't know he saw her "romantically". Then she says she likes it there, he gets angry and raises his voice and then kisses her. Ellen, Ivan, Freya and other paladins see everything. Ruby is completely shocked. Ellen says that no one is supposed to say anything about this because she feels that there is something strange. That night Ruby has insomnia and walks to the mushrooms in the garden and starts rubbing them on her lips saying she is cleaning herself (😭). Ellen sees her and takes her to her room to sleep with her. The next morning, just when Iske is about to go in to fight, Freya runs to him and tells him what happened but he doesn't believe her or gets angry with Ruby, he doesn't have time to find out either before going in to fight, but he still goes to Ruby and kisses her feet, signaling that he loves her regardless of everything.

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