
My name is Julia, but call me Jubs. I'm a humble peasant girl lost around here.

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Anonymous Coward · 9d

hello! i am just too impatient. what did iske do after the kiss thingy? how about ellen? did the siblings talk about it? when will cesare d!e???? 😭 im sorry i just wanna be prepared 😭

Anonymous Coward · 9d

I'm a binge reader but why do i feel like all interesting manhwa are still on going 😭😭😭

It's so hard to find something magical that keeps you hooked from start to finish these days 😭 especially a finished one

Anonymous Coward · 12d

Hoping the kiss scene is changed in the manhwa adaption… it’s just so uncomfortable to even think of… really praying author just changes this kiss into him confessing but psychotic manner and adding a new twist to the mushroom scene

Although I find it difficult because Siru-nim has remained very faithful in the adaptation, I SO agree! I definitely wouldn't complain if they changed this horrible kiss. Let's wait and see. 😓

Anonymous Coward · 13d

What´s gonna happen next to our poor Ruby, please someone help her

Anonymous Coward · 13d

PLEASE explain Enzo illegitimate child. I know in the novel he has a different fate (I did change in the manhwa right?) but do we ever see his child or is he only mentioned? Did the manhwa ever bring it up too? As you can tell, Enzo, I love that flirtatious sweetie pie and want know more about him and hope see more sibling moments with ruby

Well, it is after his death when Ruby and Iske are already king and queen that they discover an illegitimate child in that same orphanage that Ruby stayed in as a child. He was around two years old at that time and was Enzo's daughter with some woman he was with. Iske sends Ivan and another guy who unfortunately I can never remember the name of to get the child because he is Ruby's nephew. He is an agitated little brat who is adopted by this other paladin and grows up with Ruby's son and Ellen's son. In fact, I don't know if they will change his (Enzo) destiny in manwha. Most likely he will still die.

Janne · 13d

I jubs i am finally Embracing my depressed era🤗💔.

sooos · 14d

hihi jubs! layout looking cute as always

Anonymous Coward · 15d

did you ever fight with someone on manhwatwt

Anonymous Coward · 15d

would you kiss bibi's husband (cezar) for a bilion dolars?

Anonymous Coward · 16d

Your favourite isekai anime ?

My first and the one I liked most over the years was Sword Art Online but I only watched two seasons

Anonymous Coward · 16d

Jubs Do you like isekai enemies (not harem ones )

Anonymous Coward · 16d


and I can't remember any fantasy anime 😓

Anonymous Coward · 16d

Jubs do you believe that og Ruby and our Ruby are the same person or that ruby’s sister in her past life is the og Ruby ?

I believe that og Ruby and our Ruby are the same person. As for her sister, I'm not sure why modern Ruby and sister co-existed, I don't know how that would work. For me Ruby is Og Ruby who died, was reborn in Korea and adopted by that shitty family and died, and then came back as Ruby again. Og Ruby had no one, modern Ruby had her sister but lost her and current Ruby has Iske.

Anonymous Coward · 16d

How are you Jubs! I have a question will we see Iske this week I hope even if it was a flashback I really want to see my boy rather than that trash but sadly we will get more of the trash (I feel like this is an insult to the trash) or Iske won’t appear at all in theses chapters ?

I think we might see short scenes like flashbacks or two or three panel scenes of him in the competition, if the adaptation remains faithful. Unfortunately we are entering the sad arch of the mirror room 😓

Anonymous Coward · 17d

Will we see Iske on 5/6 chapters ?

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