Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Traveler · 9mo

Oh no need to worry, I plan to do that. But I still need time to work on my bravery. I love pink the most 🩷 hmm a little TMI about me mungkin I can't eat anything spicy.. what's your favorite food, Dika?

HAHAHA it's okay, take your time. No pressure. Pink, huh? Just like I thought, it goes well with someone as pretty as you. Oooh, me as well, I really can't handle spicy foods, tapi anehnya suka makan samyang. Kamu gak bisa makan pedas karena alasan kesehatan atau memang nggak doyan pedas? My favorite food... I can say sushi & gurami bakar? Apapun yang nggak ada sayurnya. (Yes, I hate vegies) Which one do you prefer, sweets or savory?

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