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Traveler · 1mo

Hello, dear, tentu aku masih ingat kamu. First of all, thank you for always wishing me well, semoga kamu juga selalu dikelilingi hal baik, ya. You've already brave enough to tell me this in person meski melalui pesan anonim, sekali lagi, terima kasih banyak! If you're still willing to befriend me, then I'd glady cherish this offer no matter what. Kalau mau ngobrol, just kindly knock my DM atau bisa langsung chat Telegram aja—kalau kita sudah berteman disana.

For whoever you are, I thank you a lot. ☺

친애하는, claire. · 10 answers · 2mo

⋆ ౨ৎ ‘emlo! could someone please recommend a fun video game? i don't mind paying if the game's really worth it! ^_^ and, could you give me a brief description and explain the appeal of the game? i'm looking for something new to dive into~ thank you! <3

Do you mind a psychological horror typa game? I would love to recommend you all of Chilla Art's game on STEAM.

Kaiden. · 13 answers · 2mo

In case no one told you today, please remember that you've done your best. Mo matter how hard it was on you, at the end, today will pass too. Thank you for surviving another day🤍

Thank you for your kind words, Kaiden. I hope you're surrounded by a happy things. Thank you for surviving another day, too.

Traveler · 2mo

Okay! I trust you! Do'akan aku cepat kekumpul temannya yaah! Anyway good aftie Dika, don't skip your dinner nanti. —Berry.

Alright, semangat cari temannya! Good evening, Berry. Ada rencana makan malam apa hari ini? Tadi aku udah makan, jadi kemungkinan bakal skip makan malam karena masih kenyang.

Traveler · 2mo

I don't know tapi takutnya kamu kabuurr T___T bukan buat apa-apa, but I need to at least punya 10 teman so that I look like a decent account dan ngga keliatan suspicious (I swear I'm not a suspicious person, Dika) —Berry.

HAHAHA tapi memang lebih baik keeping your circle as small as possible, menurutku lebih nyaman aja. I won't run away, don't worry!

Traveler · 2mo

I'm relieved to hear that, I also enjoy talking to you. If it's possible, I'd love to talk with you everyday, filling small spots di sela-sela kesibukanmu. Aku mau muncul, tapi aku masih harus menyelesaikan misiku mencari teman (kurang 4 teman lagi), but I'm also worried kalo aku muncul won't you run away? :( anyway happy weekend. —Berry

Why would I ran away..? You're very welcome if you want to come. Itu misi mencari teman untuk keperluan kirim menfess, kah..? Atau buat hal lain?

Traveler · 2mo

Thank you for keep sparking a conversation with me T__T that's very kind of you. Depends, kalau aku merasa aku butuh fotosintesis biasanya I'll contact my friend buat keluar, but if I feel like I'm okay with being home dan ga pingin ngapa-ngapain, then I'll just stay at home and take a lot of nappies. Hari ini aku di rumah aja, but tomorrow I'll hangout with my friend makan bingsu !!! Kamu sendiri gimana, Dika? Ada agenda untuk weekend? —Berry.

Cause it feels nice talking to you, haha. Weekend ini aku cuma di rumah aja, mau enjoy waktu luangku to the fullest. Ooh, bingsu, pas banget buat cuaca sepanas ini. Enjoy your time!

Traveler · 2mo

Good morning, Dika. Saw your tweet about UTBK and I do wish your adek the best. Kakaknya juga ngga ketinggalan, I hope you'll have a nice day despite of your activities. Stay hydrated and don't skip your meals! You are loved. —🩵

Good morning, Berry. Terima kasih atas doanya, ya, it really means a lot to me. I hope you're having a nice weekend, make sure to take a rest and relax. You're loved and thank you for being here. 💙 Mind to tell me how do you usually spend your weekend? Tipikal yang suka charging energy di rumah atau ambil kesempatan buat main keluar?

Traveler · 2mo

No, you don't have to be sorry. It's okay. Lagi di masa-masa sibuk, kah? Gimana hari-hari kamu kemarin? Ada cerita yang bisa dibagi? I'm glad that we're on the same page; hampir pingsan karena The Killa. Ooh, it seems that we already have some interaction without me knowing it? Then I'd be more happy if we can interact a little bit more! And yes, I will watch the concert again today so I know that today will be a good day. Let's hype The Killa together! Kamu pun jangan lupa berbahagia hari ini, stay hydrated, never skip your meals & enjoy your weekend. 💜

Traveler · 2mo

Thank you! I can't eat spicy food karena memang lidahnya nggak kuat aja... oh so you don't like veggies... that's a surprise, I didn't expect you to have this child-like side. Cute. I have sweet tooth so: sweets! Do you like sweets? (Anyway are you okay, Dika? :( I hope you'll feel better soon)

So hating veggies can be considered as child-like...? Aku juga masih punya banyak the other side of me yang masih belum banyak orang tau, lho, haha. Unfortunately, aku enggak suka makanan manis. Nggak cocok sama lidahku. Anyway, I am totally okay right now. Worry not! If you don't mind me asking; darimana kamu tau tentang aku atau akunku? Tweet aku lewat di fyp kamu, kah? And what's your first impression about me?

Traveler · 2mo

Oh no need to worry, I plan to do that. But I still need time to work on my bravery. I love pink the most 🩷 hmm a little TMI about me mungkin I can't eat anything spicy.. what's your favorite food, Dika?

HAHAHA it's okay, take your time. No pressure. Pink, huh? Just like I thought, it goes well with someone as pretty as you. Oooh, me as well, I really can't handle spicy foods, tapi anehnya suka makan samyang. Kamu gak bisa makan pedas karena alasan kesehatan atau memang nggak doyan pedas? My favorite food... I can say sushi & gurami bakar? Apapun yang nggak ada sayurnya. (Yes, I hate vegies) Which one do you prefer, sweets or savory?

Traveler · 2mo

I'M SORRY I just want to be brave and flirt 🙏 (but I am indeed curious about how it felt being carried and/or handled by you, respectfully, a fluffy kind of being handled) my nickname is pretty, but do you know what is prettier? Me :P anyway I wish to know about you more so let's start with what's your favorite color, Dika? 🤔

You just need to be a little braver and come to me privately so that I can satisfy your curiosity. :) A poin plus I can finally see myself how pretty you are? My favorite color is definitely Black, nggak neko-neko. How about yours? Kasih aku TMI about yourself, dong? Anything about you.

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