Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Traveler · 9mo

Thank you! I can't eat spicy food karena memang lidahnya nggak kuat aja... oh so you don't like veggies... that's a surprise, I didn't expect you to have this child-like side. Cute. I have sweet tooth so: sweets! Do you like sweets? (Anyway are you okay, Dika? :( I hope you'll feel better soon)

So hating veggies can be considered as child-like...? Aku juga masih punya banyak the other side of me yang masih belum banyak orang tau, lho, haha. Unfortunately, aku enggak suka makanan manis. Nggak cocok sama lidahku. Anyway, I am totally okay right now. Worry not! If you don't mind me asking; darimana kamu tau tentang aku atau akunku? Tweet aku lewat di fyp kamu, kah? And what's your first impression about me?

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