Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Traveler · 9mo

Thank you for keep sparking a conversation with me T__T that's very kind of you. Depends, kalau aku merasa aku butuh fotosintesis biasanya I'll contact my friend buat keluar, but if I feel like I'm okay with being home dan ga pingin ngapa-ngapain, then I'll just stay at home and take a lot of nappies. Hari ini aku di rumah aja, but tomorrow I'll hangout with my friend makan bingsu !!! Kamu sendiri gimana, Dika? Ada agenda untuk weekend? —Berry.

Cause it feels nice talking to you, haha. Weekend ini aku cuma di rumah aja, mau enjoy waktu luangku to the fullest. Ooh, bingsu, pas banget buat cuaca sepanas ini. Enjoy your time!

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