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someone special · 4mo

I know this probably isn't the place to ask but I don't really know where else to go and it's more than okay if you dont have an answer (/gen) and sorry if the wording is bad/messy in advance, I'm the host of a system, been professionally diagnosed with it for two years. But I've kept it hidden from my friends. I've told people in the past and have lost people I thought I could trust and I'm batshit terrified of going thought the cycle again, but I also feel so shitty for lying to them. I know I should've been honest from the start but I was just terrified of the reaction I'd get. Is there any advice you could give on how to go about, at least, starting a conversation like this? Thank you so much

You genuinely owe no one anything. DID and OSDD, as a disorder, is made to be hidden. It is an undercover worker and your system is your buisness. Though if you trust someone enough TO tell them, it is important you educate them and give them resources as you do such. Dissociation disorders are terribly stigmatized, and it will be hard to come out with such. Try starting a conversation about the disorder without saying you have it. "Have you heard of DID?" "Have you seen (bad movie about split personalities)? I hate how it potrays that disorder..." Ect.

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