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kenjakuna lovechild · 6mo

how does he meet shunxiang, what are his thoughts on tada?

chengjie doesn't have any unpleasant thoughts on tadatsugu and they kind of shut their brain off whenever shunxiang begins talking negatively about him, because as much as he loves shunxiang as a friend he isn't one to believe in partial, biased stories especially when they're about love cause thats so personal to him. he hopes tadatsugu is doing well and would love to sit down and have a coffee chat with him if they ever met

they met shunxiang when chengjie came up to him asking for help to get to his apartment because he doesn't have a phone and he forgot his way. when shunxiang gave him directions chengjie just said "okay :)" and walked over to him and held his hand because he expected him to lead the way dhfhehdhdheb AND HE DID! he couldn't say no to him. they talked the entire way and they became friends

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