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kenjakuna lovechild · 7mo

i think about kenjaku and i wonder what its like to jump body to body all for a plan that she wont even live to see idk i don't read jujutsu bisen

this actually hurt me on a level i was unaware of experiencing... i'm suuuuch a sucker for this kinda stuff man especially when it comes to kenjaku i will forever find her so interesting and i will love her forever. i hate how i can't add onto this because i feel like its already been said before/EYE have already said it before since i've discussed this At Length in the past Butt man it makes me die every time. kenjaku spending over a thousand years for a delicately orchestrated plan and the majority of their life that they won't even see come to fruition.. losing themselves and their personality over the years that they had lost through ideas of a complete loss of individuality and identity that was molded through quite literally Changing Who He Was . losing her friends, her family ...... i don't like jujutsu gaysen anymore

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