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kenjakuna lovechild · 4mo

LOVE ocs that are big dog men they make me die every time. How is his and shunxiangs relationship! He’s like a rebound right

yesss he's a rebound shunxiang gets around a month after he and tadatsugu break up! bronislav's purpose in the story is to showcase to shunxiang that his behavior in he and tadatsugu's relationship was not okay. bronislav is like shunxiang but worse and far more apparent in his unhealthy behavior and borderline emotional abuse ... he and shunxiang's relationship serves as a wake-up call for shunxiang to push him to better himself and to not end up like bronislav. bronislav is that type of person that is bad, knows they are bad, refuses to and doesn't WANT to change for the better. he is okay with the way he is, even if its not good, and he doesn't care what he does and if it hurts other people! he's the epitome of what shunxiang would become if he doesn't change his ways

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