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Nothatdark · 3mo

Do you know that gumi doll and fanart megunyan? Please tell me is he a cat or a dog? 😭😭 I tried to find the answer but haven't find it yet

megunyan is a cat!!! 🐱 but people love to draw megunyan who thinks he’s a dog (since megumi loves dogs hihi xD)

who? · 3mo

But what does it mean that Megumi and Gojo got on and off the train together?

like hidden meaning or….?? 🤔🤔 i dont know too if it was hidden meaning… but maybe because they both entered yj’s life together at the same time when they’re in sendai (get on the train), and get off the train together means they both were dead at the same time, together….? 😔😔 when sukuntul killed gojo, maybe at that time megumi was dead too (he has given up on this world)…?

who? · 3mo

Which do you like better catgumi or bunnygumi?

THIS IS A HARD QUESTION 😔 both are cute….. and fluffy…. and nice to hold….. 🥹🥹 maybe you can try ask gojo ksksks i’m sure he’ll have a hard time choosing too xp

who? · 4mo

Do you think 🤔 Megumi will fall significantly in the polls since he's been out of the Manga for a year now? I hope not! I wish I could vote!

hmmm i'm not sure but i dont think so 🤔🤔 maybe if he falls, he will only fall like one or two places... because the body that sukuntul uses right now is megumi, and surely (almost) everyone wishes for megumi to come back. but i believe that megumi will take the first place again this time!!! 🫨

who? · 4mo

might want to preemptively block these two

who? · 4mo


what's this about?

HAJSHJS I DONT EVEN REMEMBER WHATS THAT ABOUT 😭😭🙏🙏 oh but i think maybe its because i saw art of my notp from another fandom.... 🤔

who? · 5mo

about this tweet, they actually harass anyone i doubt their a actual 5u fan w the way they harass other 5u fans too😭they get upset over people writing or drawing yuuji as top which is so weird

gosh then i suggest everyone regardless of ships to block them too 😭 they need to touch grass fr

who? · 9mo

Do you know riize wonbin? Imagine megumi with that long hair😳

ooohh i dont know him (i googled him just now) shshhs but well well wellllll…. 😳😳😳😳 i guess if megumi’s hair in season 1 is wet, then it’ll go down looking that…. 🫣

who? · 9mo

You're sweet. I love seeing your posts on my timeline.

awwwwwwww thank youuuu 😭😭😭💛💛🥺🥺 honestly i only tweet stupid stuffs or rambling and ranting so idk which one you like ahahha come talk to me more (i dont bite!! 😆)

who? · 10mo

hii im priv so i cant comment on that tweet u made abt a ao3 comment but plz dont listen to that stupid commenter u dont owe them ANYTHING!! your work is YOUR business!!! the audacity they have is insane…. they are the problem, not you or your fics… Have a good day <3

thank you so much for the kind words!!! 🤗🤗🤗 (also sorry for the late reply sobsob) you too anon, have a good day and may you be blessed with happiness and good health!! <3

who? · 10mo

thank you so much for the kind messages and for taking your time writing this (and also sorry for the late reply). 😭😭😭😭😭😭 i couldn’t thank you enough for the comforting words. and everything you said is true, i should just ignore the comments and focus more on myself and my life 🥹🥹 you’re amazing too!!! hope you’ll always be blessed with happiness and good health anon 🤗🫶

who? · 10mo

I love gofushi but some shippers are embarrassing 😭 ( not you )

uhhhhhhh idk what did you mean by that and /why/… but yeah every ships has its own bad apples. dont let the bad ugly ones ruin your fun and love for the ships 🤗🤗🤗🤗 (also please do tell me why because im curious asf hshshsh)

who? · 11mo

thinking of gofushi angst

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