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who? · 7mo

I don’t think we should take ch236 discussions at 100% face value. Personally i think the point was that even his dearest old friends didn’t see Satoru the human truly. Like Gojo wasn’t fighting with Geto about his private feelings for megumi so why would he be challenging Nanamin? I don’t think we blame the parts of him that do enjoy good fight but as readers we have seen him being bothered about hurting megumi which others didn’t see and no one witnessed him in shibuya subway being bothered with potentially hurting outsiders

i think that since gojo always hides those feelings behind his playful nature, its hard for people around him to really see what's in his heart 🤔🤔

also im sorry anon, i reread this few times but i dont get what you mean by 'Like Gojo wasn’t fighting with Geto about his private feelings for megumi so why would he be challenging Nanamin?'...... i want to assume that maybe its related to that tweet i made but maybe im wrong..... 😭😭 (english is hard)

and also yes, i agree that he can enjoy the good fight. he's the strongest after all. i would surely enjoy a fight with strong opponent if i were him. but maybe its just the way the chapter was executed that makes me feel a bit eh... and disappointed that it makes him sound only like a martial art enthusiast. (ofc its just my personal opinion!!) 🥹

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