who? · 10mo

hi !

we don’t know each other but i want to tell you that your fics are WONDERFUL and please don’t listen to the entitled asshole who left you that awful comment. they’re immature and impatient and clearly feel entitled to something you do not owe them under any circumstance. you provide cool stories FOR FREE and if they aren’t grateful for that alone they can fuck off. no matter how long it takes you to update a work (which btw is completely understandable if it takes a while i mean life happens and even when it doesn’t writing is HARD and sometimes the creativity/enthusiasm/motivation just doesn’t cooperate and you shouldn’t beat yourself up over that) you deserve patience and respect. again, you’re extremely cool for the mere fact that you write awesome stories and share them for people to enjoy and though i know comments like that SUCK and can make you doubt yourself, i hope this message as well as all the words of support from others can do at least a little to make you feel better.

you’re doing absolutely amazing as you are. keep writing at whatever pace you’re comfortable with and know that no one has the right to demand otherwise <3

thank you so much for the kind messages and for taking your time writing this (and also sorry for the late reply). 😭😭😭😭😭😭 i couldn’t thank you enough for the comforting words. and everything you said is true, i should just ignore the comments and focus more on myself and my life 🥹🥹 you’re amazing too!!! hope you’ll always be blessed with happiness and good health anon 🤗🫶

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