Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Mikasa Volleyball · 1y

Hi, I don’t have experience with zines and was wondering, just in general, how the payments towards contributors are typically made (like through paypal, venmo, wire transfer, check, etc.) it doesn’t have to be for this one specifically but I couldn’t find info on this part of for-profit zines anywhere.

This is usually dependent on the finance mod, as well as region of contributors (as some digital banks are not permitted in some countries). Generally, PayPal is most commonly used, but there are zines that may use another source of digital payment, like Stripe. Sticking to only one of these is smartest, so as to keep conversion rates, fee percentages, and taxes from getting too complicated.

Hopefully this helps—please let us know if you have any further questions we may be able to help you with!

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