Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Frejik · 8mo

Back when I used to write for r6s, you were one of my favourite writers. You made a comment under one of my Iana/Alibi fics that inspired me to keep writing despite my initial reservations with tricky plot lines(?) . I could never be more grateful to have interacted with you.

I don’t have much knowledge on what’s going on, but I want you to know you were and are always going to be an inspiration to me. I wish you the best.

That is such a sweet message omg. I'm grateful you told me so, cause I would have never known otherwise, and I'm glad to hear this! It's funny how we often don't realise how our actions can impact others, both in good and bad ways, and I'm happy to know in this case it was for the good.
Thank you, for your words and your support <3

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