.・。.・゜・✫Fluffles✫・゜・。. · 11d

You know?
just because people don't like you or you hurt them in the past doesn't validate them going to her.
If you can sit there and tell yourself that queen of mean and her verbal abuse and her constant bullying about Kirby and his assault recently or abuse as a child is justified? Then you have shit to work on. Tell yourself it's therapeutic and justifiable all you want, but if you can sit there and tell yourself "this person deserves to have their childhood assault mocked and their recent rapist defended and sexual harassment daily!" Then get the hell offline. I've known Kirby since before any of this. Before he even knew his current partner, I've known him since we were both teenagers for fuckksake. Do I agree with everything he's done? No. I had a firm sit down with him at one point a couple years ago about his behavior. I think there are things that can be worked on. but!!!! I really don't agree with this bullshit. I remember I would be on voice calls with him and he would be verbally abused by his foster mother constantly and had horrible pressure put on him about just 'getting over' his childhood trauma.
I've known Kirby for a very long time, and if there's one thing I can tell you is no one deserves the treatment he's getting. I was there for this whole thing with that one guy on Tumblr that literally made him attempt suicide sending his followers after him. Kirby was in the hospital for months because he was placed homeless after his foster parents kicked him out for swallowing pills and having a seizure and barely surviving, because they said it was too much to handle. I've seen Kirby go through one of the worst abusive relationships I'd ever witnessed in my life, and FNGR forbade me from speaking with him. You can say you're upset at him all you want but no one deserves what he's been going through."But so many people hate him and he's-" bitch idgaf!! That doesn't justify all of the harassment he's been receiving! He's one of the sweetest people I've ever known and he's helped so many people but all you ever focus on is the drama and the bs. If you can sit there and tell yourself that someone deserves being told they deserve to die, their brother killed himself because of them, trying to literally analyze if he was abused as a child sexually? You're fucked up. You're really fucked up!
I've known Kirby since we were both literally 14, 15 years old and the only reason I don't make myself public is because I know what kind of batshit insane people he deals with and I don't want people revealing anything about my life against my consent.

Kirby? I'm proud of you for staying strong through all of this. I'm proud of you and don't forget that 🍓!! You've continued to be strong for so long and I'm so proud of you!

.....holy shit I think I know who this is-

I HOPE YOU'RE OKAY!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!! OH MY GOSH HI!!!!!!!!!!!!💜💜💜💜💜🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓 I MISS U OMG.OMGOMG


Gods... I actually forgot about that whole thing with the

Okay I didn't forget about it but it's kind of been in the back of my mind since this shit. I wrote him an apology letter a couple years ago when I don't know if he ever received it because I do recognize there were things I did wrong in that situation. But yeah ultimately he did send his followers after me and I got a lot of...well. I'm alive today that's all that matters.

OMG I miss you 😭😭😭🍓🍓🍓💜💜 hmu on discord!!!!! Starberrybunni!!!

Thank you so much for saying all of this OMG 😭😭😭😭😭😭💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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