Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

kissy nation citizen · 1mo

there’s a reason izuku has the self inserting dudebro fanbase and katsuki doesn’t just face it that your boy was always made for them and move on to a different media already

WHY? Why aren't I allowed to? Why can't I find solace in a character? He's "made for the dudebros"? WHO SAID THAT?

Are they the only ones "allowed" to like Izuku? This isn't "their space", queer women are here too!

Queer women see themselves in Izuku too! We're not gonna bow down to these hetero men. I refuse to make myself feel small.

I'm not gonna let them rob me of small joys such as liking a fictional character.

Whoever sent this, FUCK YOU. They can't gatekeep Izuku from me, neither can you!

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