Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Ceinesa Bainey · 26 answers · 12mo

mmhmm how do you forget someone who deserves to be forgotten, guys?

i ever be someone who’s so hard jz to moving on even my ex is cheating on me, but it taught me a lot… can i js say that it js you n your mind hehehhehehe idk how to say it but…i used to still mmm some kind of “berharap” to my ex thas why i canT enjoying my life so do the phase of moving on, soooo mungkin bisa dimulai dr berhenti berharap? dont you kno that life got so much better when you dun hope for something? and it was so easy for you to do but first you need to forgave em sihhh (this is the key too) and then you can try to play with your friends aku dulu banyakin waktu dengan hangout sama temen, orang tua, ngobrol biasa juga sama mereka, and so suddenly i dont hv any feelings towards him hehe…. kataku jangan sampe ngerasa kesepian aja sih, dulu aku kalo kesepian i handle it with hangout or something like that lahh. gewd luck yah!!!

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