♡ · 10d

haunted by the fact that we never got that sccbin original water ass shaking........ he's being a fucking tease with that tiramisu cake challenge and I'm here stuck on water like damn

NOOO FR... i was so bummed when he did the footwork version at the fanlive but then he was ACTUALLY GONNA DO IT AND THEN WE WERE ROBBED SO BAD.... he's definitely getting better at shaking ass now so i'm glad to see that but we have not talked about the real potential hyvka has to shake some REAL ASS. i saw him throwing it back in their lolla behinds!! the both of them need to get into some real twerking classes cause they have the asses but not the technique (all back no ass rn)!!! sukai have so much potential AHHHH 😭😭

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