♡ · 10d

what’s the secret to getting morequestions I barely have any how in my inbox

that's a good question cause i only started getting more questions recently LOL i think the key is to interact with timeline and consistently post prompts or thoughts in general!! then ppl will start asking you to elaborate or bless you with a continuation of those prompts or their own prompts!! oh and when i got prompts in my inbox, i try to respond with a drabble!! since ppl are on anon, it's kinda hard to keep the conversation going!! so i try to put myself out there with all my responses!! idk how i started getting so many random questions but they're really fun to answer LOL if all fails, you can post your retro and ask ppl to send some but i rarely get retros that way <///3 honestly i'm super grateful that ppl have been going through the hassle of navigating my carrd or going on my profile to send me retros 🥹 i genuinely enjoy waking up to them and answering them!!

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